OTC offers many learning opportunities ranging from advanced Gemara shiurim to beginner Torah classes.
With the addition of our Kollel located in OTC, we have a vibrant beis medrash all day long. Daily night seder from 8:30 - 10pm Sunday - Thursday followed by Maariv. Visit the Kollel's website for detailed information about more classes and shiurim not listed below -orlandocommunitykollel.org/programs
Sunday morning
Start your week off right with an interactive Navi shiur. Given by Rabbi Kramer at 9:00 am with a delicious breakfast spread.
Daf Yomi
Given by Rabbi Yitzchok Bernstein, every day after the early Shacharis
Monday - Friday morning
Begin your day with pre-Shacharis chavrusah learning at 6:00am
Sunday, Tuesday, & Thursday Nights
Beis Medrash Aharon V'Leah: Learning 8:30-10pm - hot food, and financial stipend to participants
Sunday-Thursday Mussar
Mesilas Yesharim shiur with Rabbi Kramer right after the first Maariv
H2O for Women
Halacha Shiur delivered twice on Tuesdays by Rabbi Kramer. 9am and 9pm via zoom
Motzei Shabbos (for fathers and sons)
OTC is full of fathers learning with their sons after every Motzei Shabbos in the winter months! The program lasts 45 minutes and finishes with food, a story, and prizes.
With the addition of our Kollel located in OTC, we have a vibrant beis medrash all day long. Daily night seder from 8:30 - 10pm Sunday - Thursday followed by Maariv. Visit the Kollel's website for detailed information about more classes and shiurim not listed below -orlandocommunitykollel.org/programs
Sunday morning
Start your week off right with an interactive Navi shiur. Given by Rabbi Kramer at 9:00 am with a delicious breakfast spread.
Daf Yomi
Given by Rabbi Yitzchok Bernstein, every day after the early Shacharis
Monday - Friday morning
Begin your day with pre-Shacharis chavrusah learning at 6:00am
Sunday, Tuesday, & Thursday Nights
Beis Medrash Aharon V'Leah: Learning 8:30-10pm - hot food, and financial stipend to participants
Sunday-Thursday Mussar
Mesilas Yesharim shiur with Rabbi Kramer right after the first Maariv
H2O for Women
Halacha Shiur delivered twice on Tuesdays by Rabbi Kramer. 9am and 9pm via zoom
Motzei Shabbos (for fathers and sons)
OTC is full of fathers learning with their sons after every Motzei Shabbos in the winter months! The program lasts 45 minutes and finishes with food, a story, and prizes.